June has arrived and summer with it, if only the weather would catch up we can start enjoying the longer days. Summer offers a great opportunity to get organised and sorted in neglected areas of your home. We all have a summer bucket list of things we would love to do in the summertime like visit the beach, read a new book or go strawberry picking. So here at acleaner we decided to do our Cleaning Bucket List. It is just a short checklist that will help you get organised and give you more time to spend on your summer bucket list. It may not be as exciting but we think it will be just as satisfying getting things sorted.
With a bit of luck the summer will be sunny and we will be living in shorts, skirts, vests and flip flops. This gives you a great opportunity to go through all your winter clothes. Any old or unwanted clothes can be donated or recycled. Do you have a jumper that was gifted but is not quite you? Or an old coat that have seen better days? Get these things sorted, then wash and pack away the good stuff ready for the autumn. You could check out the seasonal sales as many shops will have out of season items at a reduced price. Reward your sorting with a bargain.
2. What did the scarf say to the hat? I'll hang around here and you go on ahead ...
One main problem area after the winter time is a huge pile of hats, scarves, gloves and mittens. Does one person really need 10 pairs of gloves? Sort through what is wanted, what can be donated and what needs recycling. You can then pack the sorted ones away in a safe place. This will help when winter time comes as you wont be trying to pair up missing gloves or find one with a hole in when you are in need of them. Check local charities that help the homeless as they are often requesting warm clothing items.
3. What do you have in store this summer?
OK we made this joke six months ago on our January Cleaning Checklist, but six months later is a good time to check the store cupboards again for out of date items. This will help keep your cupboard clean and organised.
4. Holiday reading time
There is nothing better than lounging in the sun reading a good book. Summertime is a great time to go through your bookshelves and donate your old summer reads to charity. Keeping your shelves clean and tidy. Which then gives you room for new and exciting books!
We hope the this list helps you get your home clean and sorted for summer. Have we missed your key summer bucket list cleaning job? Join the discussion and tell us in the comments below. We welcome you to join us on Facebook and Twitter
If you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to contact us by email hello@acleaner.net or by telephone on 02037728642